/** * sliphover v2.0.4 * require jquery 1.7+ * MIT License * for more info pls visit :https://github.com/wayou/SlipHover */ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { // Create the defaults once var pluginName = "sliphover", defaults = { target: 'img', //the element that the overlay will attach to caption: 'title', //the caption that will display when hover duration: 'fast', //specify how long the animation will lasts in milliseconds fontColor: '#fff', textAlign: 'center', //display the caption left, center or right verticalMiddle: true, //display the caption vertical middle or not backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.7)', //specify the background color and opacity using rgba reverse: false, //reverse the direction height: '100%', //specify the height of the overlay withLink: true //if image is wraped with a link the overlay will be clickable, set false to disable click }; function SlipHover(element, options) { this.element = element; this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.version = 'v2.0.3'; this.init(); } SlipHover.prototype = { init: function() { //disable on touch devices if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return; } var that = this, target = this.settings.target; //create the overlay container each time the mouse enters $(this.element).off('mouseenter.sliphover', target).on('mouseenter.sliphover', target, function(event) { //fix #9 https://github.com/wayou/SlipHover/issues/9 //use this instead of event.target for sometimes the event.target is not retriving the right target we want //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9838137/event-target-jquery-on-mousedown-up-is-not-giving-the-dom-specified-by-selecto var $element = $(this), $overlayContainer = that.createContainer($element); $overlayContainer.off('mouseenter.sliphover mouseleave.sliphover').on('mouseenter.sliphover mouseleave.sliphover', function(event) { //if (!$overlayContainer) return; var direction = that.getDirection($(this), event); //check if reverse option is on direction = that.settings.reverse ? direction = (direction + 2) % 4 : direction; if (event.type === 'mouseenter') { //check if the previous overlay still exists before we create it var $overlay = $overlayContainer.find('.sliphover-overlay'); if (!$overlay.length) { $overlay = that.createOverlay(that, direction, $element); //put the overlay into the container $(this).html($overlay); } that.slideIn(that, $overlay); } else { //slide out based on the direction that.removeOverlay(that, $(this), direction); } }); }); }, createContainer: function($element) { //get the properties of the target var top = $element.offset().top, left = $element.offset().left, //border = parseFloat($element.css("border-left-width")), width = $element.outerWidth(), height = $element.outerHeight(); zIndex = $element.css("z-index"); var $overlayContainer = $('
', { class: 'sliphover-container' }).css({ width: width, height: height, position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', top: top, left: left, borderRadius: $element.css('border-radius'), //in case the target has a round border, this will make the overlay more nicer zIndex: zIndex == +zIndex ? (zIndex + 1) : 999 // if the z-index of the target is not number then use 999 }); $('body').append($overlayContainer); return $overlayContainer; }, createOverlay: function(instance, direction, $element) { var bottom, left, $overlay, content, $targetAParent; switch (direction) { case 0: //from top left = 0; bottom = '100%'; break; case 1: //from right left = '100%'; bottom = 0; break; case 2: //from bottom left = 0; bottom = '-100%'; break; case 3: //from left left = '-100%'; bottom = 0; break; default: window.console.error('error when get direction of the mouse'); }; //if we want to display content vertical middle, we need to wrap the content into a div and set the style with display table-cell if (instance.settings.verticalMiddle) { content = $('
').css({ display: 'table-cell', verticalAlign: 'middle' }).html($element.attr(instance.settings.caption)); } else { content = $element.attr(instance.settings.caption); } $targetAParent = $element.parent('a'); if ($targetAParent.length && instance.settings.withLink) { var url = $targetAParent.attr('href'), target=$targetAParent.attr('target');//fix issue#17 $overlay = $('', { class: 'sliphover-overlay', href: url || '#', target: target||'_self' }).css({ textDecoration: 'none' }); } else { $overlay = $('
', { class: 'sliphover-overlay' }); } $overlay.css({ width: '100%', height: instance.settings.height, position: 'absolute', left: left, bottom: bottom, display: instance.settings.verticalMiddle ? 'table' : 'inline', textAlign: instance.settings.textAlign, color: instance.settings.fontColor, backgroundColor: instance.settings.backgroundColor }) .html(content); return $overlay; }, slideIn: function(instance, $overlay) { $overlay.stop().animate({ left: 0, bottom: 0 }, instance.settings.duration); }, removeOverlay: function(instance, $overlayContainer, direction) { var finalState, $overlay = $overlayContainer.find('.sliphover-overlay'); switch (direction) { case 0: //to top finalState = { bottom: '100%', left: 0 }; break; case 1: //to right finalState = { bottom: 0, left: '100%' }; break; case 2: //to bottom finalState = { bottom: '-100%', left: 0 }; break; case 3: //to left finalState = { bottom: 0, left: '-100%' }; break; default: window.console.error('error when get direction of the mouse'); }; //slide out $overlay.stop().animate(finalState, instance.settings.duration, function() { $overlayContainer.remove(); }); }, getDirection: function($target, event) { //reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3627042/jquery-animation-for-a-hover-with-mouse-direction var w = $target.width(), h = $target.height(), x = (event.pageX - $target.offset().left - (w / 2)) * (w > h ? (h / w) : 1), y = (event.pageY - $target.offset().top - (h / 2)) * (h > w ? (w / h) : 1), direction = Math.round((((Math.atan2(y, x) * (180 / Math.PI)) + 180) / 90) + 3) % 4; return direction; } }; $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { this.each(function() { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new SlipHover(this, options)); } }); // chain jQuery functions return this; }; })(jQuery, window, document);